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Accompagnement Codir

We offer in-depth support for Codirs. Click on the titles to find out more 

Accompagnement  détail d’équipes naturelles et Codir - anglais.png

Une équipe Codir efficiente  par le DiSC


Insuffler l'esprit de... par le DiSC et le débat


Le voyage cathartique du Codir


L'offre commando équipe dédiée


Du Codir aux collaborateurs, l'approche du W


shall we call each other?

L’offre Yes Expérience - anglais.png
Customized support

Do you have a challenge to address within your organization?

We can provide you with personalized support for :


  • Identify and qualify your problem.

  • Design a customized program including seminars, workshops, focus groups and Collective Intelligence and Awareness tools.

  • Facilitate your teams, while reporting and measuring results to guarantee a concrete and lasting impact.

Excom support

Are you a manager looking to optimize the efficiency of your teams?

We can support you in developing your team's performance through :


  • In-depth analysis using the DiSC cultural model.

  • Definition of priority areas for improvement.

  • Implementation of a structured approach including seminars, collaborative workshops and individual coaching.

  • Dynamic facilitation and clear reporting of results to transform thinking into action.

TrainingCIC and Quest ©

Are you a consultant or do you want to internalize animation skills within your organization?

Build up your Collective Intelligence and Awareness toolbox with our training courses:



  • CIC training, face-to-face or in digital format.

  • Training on YES EXPERIENCE's exclusive co-development tool: Quest.

  • Concrete, applicable learning to develop your expertise and transform your interventions.

Jeunes lors d'un atelier
Innovative workships

Would you like to explore or propose CCI acculturation experiences within your organization?

We offer two types of workshops to suit your needs:

  • Ready-to-use workshops: proven, effective and immediately operational formats.

  • Tailor-made workshops: designed specifically for your context and objectives, to guarantee real added value.



21, Avenue d'Alfortville 94600 Choisy Le Roi, +33677107364, Siret : 79368269100027 - APE : 8559A - RCS : 793 682 691 R.C.S Créteil

N° TVA intracom : FR46793682691 - Capital : 10 000,00 €

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